Bramford Open Spaces Ltd is a Charitable Company which has been set up to manage open spaces in and around the Village of Bramford, Suffolk, UK for the benefit of all. The main purpose is to manage Bramford Meadows, but there are other open spaces around the Village which are important. We also want to conserve, maintain and improve these spaces.

Please take care when you walk across our open spaces. Bramford Meadows are an important flood plain, paths can get slippery and damaged. The ground can be waterlogged and impassable at times. Please respect the wildlife areas and try not to disturb them. If you see any damage to paths, trees or any other hazards then please let us know. You can contact us at


Bramford Open Spaces Ltd

Registered Company No 8092773, Registered Charity No 1149928, Registered in England & Wales

Registered Office: The Parish Room, Ship Lane, Bramford, Ipswich IP8 4AN